Sunday, November 21, 2010

Hannah in her Christmas gown shows off her Christmas Tree with all the snowmen.

Peek a Boo in Hannah and Jacksons tent. It was in the game room in their home in Richmond, TX.

Hannah plays in her tent.

Hannah is ready to ride on her new bicycle. Isn't she a doll with her new helmet.

Hannah has a pretty purple bicycle. Look at that hair under her helmet.

Christmas in Richmond, TX

Hannah on her new bicycle under her tree in Richmond, TX. We drove to Houston after Christmas to see what they had gotten from Santa Claus.
Hannah with her new bicycle under the Christmas Tree. We drove to Houston after Christmas and Hannah and Jackson showed us what they got for Christmas.

Hannah in Houston after Christmas 2007

Christmas in Houston

Jackson and Hannah at Park in Houston playing in the fake snow.

Hannah and Jackson are so excited to see the snow.

Oops! What happened?

Hannah with Mrs. Claus

Christmas 2005 at MaMa and PaPa's house in Appling, GA . Ashley reads to Hannah after a long Christmas Day and Hannah can't stay awake anymore.

Hannah Claus and Mommie in Appling in 2003. Katelyn Morris, Hannah Claus Glover and Ashley Morris in Appling in 2003.